Episode 09: Jackie Robinson

  Jackie Robinson stealing home in a game against the Boston Braves, August 22, 1948. Image: AP

In honor of Black History Month, let us highlight civil rights icon Jackie Robinson. He may mostly be remembered for his baseball career, but his life before that had its own historical moments in of itself. Want to learn how he joined one of America's most noteworthy tank battalions or how he had his own Rosa Parks moment nearly a decade before she did it herself? All of that will be covered and more in this month's Sunday Spotlight! Please click on the picture below to hear the story. #blackhistorymonth #voiceovers #civilrights

  Stilwell, Blake. “Baseball Legend Jackie Robinson Was Court-Martialed for Refusing to Move to the Back of a Bus.” Military.com, 4 Feb. 2022, https://www.military.com/history/baseball-legend-jackie-robinson-was-court-martialed-refusing-move-back-of-bus.html.


Episode 10: History of Ice Cream


Episode 08: Ringing in the New Year!